Maintaining Security in the Age of Digital Media
Schools have been becoming more and more digital in the past several years, with many implementing a 1:1 initiative so that all students have equal access to technology. With these changes to operations, digital security has become of increased importance as the data trails that individuals leave behind expand. This digital security is also being enhanced by physical security, as parents and society brace against school shootings and bullying. Forward Edge has solutions that address these digital and physical security concerns. The transition to a digital school environment caused by the coronavirus outbreak has made now an imperative time to invest in such measures.
Government agencies, such as the FBI, have been looking at the increased security risk caused by students moving from the school classroom to the laptop at home. Data leaks and breaches could let students’ personally-identifiable information out. Look at the concerns caused by schools hastily choosing education technology products here. Tools such as Zoom and Facebook Live could compromise student data. There are many concerns over “freemium,” products that are offered for free to schools, since this product model is often paid for by collecting user-generated data for the company.
How Do We Do It?
Forward Edge is constantly evaluating many of the most popular tools available to schools to ensure that the risks are known, and if comparable alternatives with fewer risks are available, then we recommend those solutions. In addition, we provide end-user training, installation, configuration, data backups, and digital security audits to supplement these offerings and increase the likelihood that your data stays where it is safe.
As schools evolve to be more physically security conscious, Forward Edge partners with several leading manufacturers of physical security solutions. Our team understands that security must balance ease of use, cost, and provide the features that school administrators demand. Forward Edge’s solutions can help mitigate concerns and offer a safe environment for students and staff when they are in the building.
We provide secure video surveillance solutions, electronic access control systems, and flexible video intercoms to enhance the security of physical school buildings. yours. As an OFCC technology designer, we can even introduce these solutions into brand new buildings. William Cirone, Forward Edge’s Chief Information Officer, noted that, “When many students know that there is a camera in an area they think twice about their actions in the vicinity.” Not only do our solutions enhance safety, but they curtail disciplinary infractions among students, too.
Let Us Help
Don’t compromise your school’s security, especially during this transitional time. With students taking work home due to the coronavirus crisis, it is essential to look at how the data they create is treated. Keep the trust of your stakeholders and invest in digital infrastructure by emailing Forward Edge at today!