K-12 Wireless Bandwidth & Infrastructure Solutions
12 Million Students
in K-12 public schools across the nation are impacted by the digital divide.

More than 75% of state and local student digital divide efforts will expire in the next 1-3 years.
- Common Sense Media
It’s Difficult for Districts to Stay Ahead of Changing Technology & Network Infrastructure Needs

Everyday, School Districts are:
- Struggling with access to technology and reliable Wi-Fi
- Connecting with more wireless devices
- Using a variety of new applications
- Consuming more bandwidth than ever before
Students & Teachers Need:
- An adequate number of network access points to provide high-speed internet service across the district
- Equitable access to online learning (Internet-enabled devices that allow for assignment completion, exterior Wi-Fi coverage, etc.)
- High-quality instructional content to support the needs of all students
- Ongoing technical support and instructional resources to address teacher readiness and digital literacy

Let Us Architect Your District’s Network Infrastructure to Ensure You’re Prepared for Modern Digital Learning Environments
Bandwidth Management 6 Mo Checkup
Network Audit & Analysis
Infrastructure Architecture
Cabling & Audio/Video
Cloud & Controllers
Access Point Evaluation
Network Configuration
Database Management
Server Management
Hardware Selection
Hardware Sales
Hardware Leasing
Internet Security / Firewall
Wireless Roadmap Development
Forward Edge is Focused on Education’s Ability to Teach its Students Effectively
Empower Your School's Connectivity with E-Rate
The E-Rate program is a federally funded program that provides discounts to schools and libraries in the United States to help them afford telecommunications and internet services. The E-Rate program can be a significant benefit for schools that are looking to improve their technology infrastructure and expand access to the Internet and other advanced communication services. Forward Edge has helped partner districts save millions by helping them utilize E-Rate funds to improve technology at their schools. As the largest E-Rate provider in the state of Ohio, we're focused on helping you provide equitable access to transform classroom learning in your district.