Forward Edge to Present at OETC 2019!
The Ohio Educational Technology Conference is the main educational technology conference in Ohio that provides educators and technology coordinators the opportunity to network and discuss current and future educational technologies through workshops, breakout sessions, speakers and a vendor show.
We’re so excited to be heading back to OETC again on February 12-14, 2019 and we are thrilled to have some of our own employees from the Curriculum and Technology Integration team leading sessions at this year’s conference- Michael Roush, Tyler Erwin and Natalie Rinehart. Learn more about their sessions below. We can’t wait to see you there!
Location: A120-121
Description: Practical Assistive Technology Uses for the Raspberry Pi
The “Raspberry Pi” is an inexpensive credit card sized computer that can be programmed to perform all sorts of tasks. The flexibility and adaptability of the Raspberry Pi makes it a fantastic option for customizing assistive technology solutions for students who need them. The Raspberry Pi can be used to create switches, scanners, readers, alert systems, and more! Taking full advantage of the open source nature of the Raspberry Pi, you can use, tweak, and develop a solution for every need! This workshop will demonstrate some basic uses of the Raspberry Pi for ALL students, and show some important ways students with particular sensory, cognitive, or motor challenges can benefit from the Raspberry Pi.
February 12, 2019
Location : A224-A225
Description: Five Rules of Design Thinking to Reach All Students
Design Thinking provides a framework to address challenges in providing meaningful instructional opportunities for students with diverse needs, drawing from historical examples like Banksy, da Vinci, Chanel, and Brunel. This workshop celebrates the passion that motivates teachers, while challenging us to meet the needs of all students, using a variety of methods without reducing academic expectations. This workshop integrates the use of technology to accomplish goals, fosters collaboration among participants, and results in participants thinking deeper about not only what they teach and when, but how they teach and why.
The content and activities in this workshop are based on the principles of Universal Design for Learning.
February 13, 2019
Location: Exhibit Hall A
Description: FREd Talks
(featuring Michael Roush)
5-minute “Ignite” style talks about various educational technology topics
February 13, 2019
Location: A212
Description: The Reality of Virtual Reality in the Classroom
(Tyler Erwin & Natalie Rinehart)
Virtual Reality is the future of education…this session explores free VR tools like Google Street View, Google Expeditions, Google Tour Creator, and more, to provide educators with the expertise they need to create VR lessons, implement VR into their curriculum, and engage students in amazing ways! Even walk away from this session with a DIY cardboard viewer you can use in your classroom!
February 13, 2019
Location: A115
Description: Crafting an Active Learning Center
(Felicity-Franklin Staff, Administration and Michael Roush)
The district believes that fully implementing an Active Learning Center, teachers and leaders will discover that this multi-sensory approach to teaching and learning truly increases engagement, promotes deeper participation, maximizes student achievement and elevates the idea that learning is fun.
In this session, participants will learn about the creation of an Active Learning Center in one rural district to help students become college and career ready. The effort includes use of district funds as well as several funded grants, to create an innovation focus within the district. Participants will first hear from a district administrator outlining the district focus on innovation for teachers and students. Goals for the district innovation focus are as follows:
• Increase college/career readiness so students feel prepared for success in college and the workplace.
• Increase student engagement in learning, resulting in higher achievement scores on state assessments.
• Increase student ownership in learning.
This portion will be most relevant to district/school administrators, but will also provide context for teachers attending the session, acknowledging the accumulated background knowledge and need for relevancy for adult learners.
The district technology integration specialist, who is employed by Forward Edge, (one of the district’s grant partners) will lead the next portion of the session. Background will be presented on planning for a district makerspace, including materials needed, and involving others in the planning process. The technology integration specialist will also detail the structure of the innovation professional development that supported the implementation of design thinking/PBL/innovation in Felicity-Franklin. This portion of the session will be geared toward those interested in leading the development of a district active learning center/makerspace as well as teachers with an interest in utilizing active learning in their own classrooms, supporting the need of adult learners for information that is both relevant and immediately practical.
Can’t make these sessions?
You can still network with our team and other district professionals from all over Ohio at our annual post-conference networking event on Tuesday, February 12th at 584 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 from 4-7pm.
Click Here to RSVP for the event that Educators look forward to year-round!