210 – Get Creative With Book Creator

On this episode we are joined by Book Creator’s very own, Jon Smith. Listeners of this episode will hear from Technology Integrator turned Book Creator Teacher Success Rep and one of our own coaches on the many creative uses of one of our favorite tools. You’ll be sure to walk away with ideas for your…

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209 – Goal Setting to Get Results

Often, we know where we want to end up. We know that we want to lose weight, learn a new language, or pay off our debt. However, as time goes on we find ourselves engaging in the same routines with little progress to that ambitious “someday we’ll get there” goal. The same is true in…

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208 – Imparting Joy in 30 Seconds

Restart Recharge has previously discussed different ways to create a positive culture on your campus with teachers and administration alike. Today’s episode will reach for the small spaces in our day where we can add a smile, create a positive moment, or impart joy to those around us. From the coach perspective to the teacher…

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207 – Coaching Across the Generations

Coaches work with a very diverse set of educators. Not only do coaches take into account the experience levels, content areas, and general backgrounds of educators, they might want to start considering an entirely new variable…. Generational differences. Educators make up a pool of very different generational representation- Millennials, Gen X’ers, and Baby Boomers. This…

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206 – Start the change; Be the change!

Wrapping up our mini-series on the Admin/Coach relationship, we’ll be talking today with Michael Roush & Lisa Kuhn about how the admin & coach can work together to create a culture that supports the transformation we want to see in our districts. As we’ve discussed in the previous episodes, establishing a healthy partnership is key…

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205 – Spotlight on Monroe: The Admin/Coach Relationship

Continuing our mini series on the Admin/Coach relationship, we are coming to you this week to talk about how one SW Ohio school district is making major waves and creating systemic change because of an awesome admin/coach partnership. Join us in learning how they’ve streamlined their success and are transforming their district, and how you…

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204 – Paving Your Way to Success: The Admin/Coach Relationship

Tune in this week as we kick off a three episode mini-series on Admin and Coach relationships. A healthy partnership with building & district leadership can make all the difference when it comes to a coach’s success. On today’s episode we’ll be chatting about the key traits of a healthy admin/coach relationship, how to establish…

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203 – FETC Recap

Educational Technology conferences are a great way to get a grasp on new instructional strategies, education technology tools, and important concepts circulating the world of education. Several members of our team have recently attended the Future of Education Technology Conference in Orlando, FL and are here to bring you the “must-know” edtech trends, highlights, and…

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202 – A Look Into a Student-Centered Coaching Program

If you’ve been in an instructional coaching role for any amount of time at all, you know that there are some teachers that are tougher to crack than others. Tune in to this episode to hear how Mark Gumm circumvents the outer shells of his educators by building relationships with students- ultimately transforming learning from…

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201 – Megan and the Makerspace

Makerspaces in education are not a new concept; yet it can still be an uphill climb to embed a makerspace culture across all content areas and grade levels. In this episode, our very own Megan Whitacre shares how she is embracing all and making makerspace waves in her district.  Links mentioned in the show: Forward…

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