Visit Forward Edge at OETC 2020 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center!

It is that time of year again!
We’re so excited to be heading back to OETC on February 11th-13th, 2020 and we are thrilled to have a big line-up of engaged employees from both the Curriculum and Technology Integration team and the Managed Services team leading sessions at this year’s conference; William Cirone, Katie Ritter, Brooke Conklin, Tracee Keough, Lisa Kuhn, Annamarie Rinehart, Michael Roush, Emily Schillig, and Dakota Smith!
The Ohio Educational Technology Conference is the premier educational technology conference in Ohio, providing educators and technology coordinators the opportunity to network and discuss current and future educational technologies through workshops, breakout sessions, speakers and an Exhibit Hall of leading companies and emerging trends!
Learn more about our sessions below. We can’t wait to see you there!
Creating Collaborative and Connected Classrooms… without Losing Your Mind.
– Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 • 8:00am – 9:00am • A113 (Brooke Conklin, Emily Schillig)
Collaboration sounds awesome, but can sometimes be daunting when educators think about “their kids.” As in, “That sounds like an amazing idea, but it would never work with MY kids because of ….” It is time that we stop assuming the barrier to a collaborative and connected classroom is an inherent quality of our kids, but maybe more so a lack of supports to collaborate effectively. In this session participants will explore the fundamental skills students need in order to be effective collaborators, participate in interactive activities to stretch our collaborative muscles, and explore strategies to elicit effective collaboration out of our students. Participants will leave the session prepared to grow collaborative learners as well as gain several new ideas about how to connect their classrooms to other classes locally, nationally, and globally.
Coaching the Coach
– Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 • 2:15pm – 3:15pm • A210 (Katie Ritter)
As isolated as teaching can feel sometimes, being a technology integration coach can really make you feel like you’re on an island all alone because you’re often the only one in your building (and many times the whole district!). With this position supporting so many roles- teachers, administrators, students- in a district, it is critical to invest in them. This session will share a number of ideas our team uses to support 10 technology integration coaches, as well as provide participants with opportunities to share how they invest in themselves and their coaches. The ideal audience for the session is current technology integration coaches, and those who oversee integration coaches.
Hack Your Own Solutions with Raspberry Pi
– Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 • 2:15pm – 3:15pm • A112 (Michael Roush)
The Raspberry Pi is a $35 computer that you can use to create your own physical computing solutions. Create switches and events to control lights, motors, buzzers, and more! We will look at options for using the Raspberry Pi (versions 3 and 4) to assist users with significant motor, vision, auditory, cognitive, and sensory needs.
Five Rules of Design Thinking to Reach All Students
– Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 • 3:30pm – 4:30pm • A212 (Michael Roush)
Drawing on historical examples of design thinkers and the unique problems they faced, this workshop celebrates the passion that motivates teachers, while challenging us to meet the needs of all students, including students with diverse needs, using a variety of methods without reducing academic expectations. This workshop integrates the use of technology to accomplish goals, fosters collaboration among participants, and results in participants thinking deeper about not only what they teach and when, but how they teach and why.
Can you be the Game Maker Champion?
– Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 • 3:30pm – 4:30pm • B132 (Tracee Keough, Emily Schillig)
Are you ready to add a challenge to your lessons that use Google Slides? Do you like to play games in your classroom? When we are more engaged in what we are doing, we are retaining and learning more. The same works for our students. Let’s gamify their learning by adding in simple tools to up the engagement and make learning fun! This hands on session will engage teachers in an activity that blends makerspace with technology and creativity while still meeting the standards for a lesson. Participants will walk through the steps of creating a game of their own in groups based around a standard of their choice. The session will walk the group through each phase of the creation process with twists and turns along the way from the inclusion of all group members to the incorporation of technology. The group will also see an example of how this concept was used in a 5th grade social studies classroom at the end to tie back into the objectives that this concept can be used in any subject area to engage students.
#OETCInFocus Session: Technology Blindspots? Get X-Ray Vision…
– Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 • 3:30pm – 4:30pm • A210 (William Cirone)
Do you know when your next big network outage will send teachers scrambling for a Plan B? Can you identify the next weak link in the instructional technology chain? If so, then you are way ahead of the game. If, however, you find yourself like most of us, understaffed and reacting to systems issues while frustration builds in the classroom, join us for a panel discussion with educational technology leaders who have moved from reactive to proactive when addressing instabilities in their technology infrastructures.
How We Used a Mini-drone to Teach Latitude and Longitude
– Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 • 10:30am – 11:30am • A211 (Michael Roush)
The question of how to integrate advanced technology and coding activities into existing educational standards is an important one to answer. This session will demonstrate a lesson where a mini-drone is used to simulate a real-life application of latitude and longitude – rescuing a lost hiker! After participating in the lesson, participants will “peek behind the curtain” to see how the lesson is constructed.
Tech Playground for Unified Arts
– Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 • 1:00pm – 2:00pm • B246 (Brooke Conklin, Lisa Kuhn)
Do you or your specials teachers feel left out of professional development? Are you wondering what place technology even has in the unified arts and specials world? Come join us at the Tech Playground for Unified Arts where all are welcome! Explore how one PD design can reach teachers of all disciplines and how technology CAN have an impact in specials education.
Ohio Ed Tech Playground: How We Launched a K-12 Makerspace For All Students
– Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 • 2:00pm – 4:00pm • Exhibit Hall – Booth #1307 (Michael Roush)
The maker playground is a space where educators throughout Ohio will share the activities, tools, and curriculum they are using in their school and with students, with OETC attendees. Come and find the inspiration you need to get your school’s makerspace off the ground or new ideas to add to your existing program.
G Suite Tools Throughout the Writing Process
– Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 • 2:15pm – 3:15pm • A224 (Dakota Smith)
This session is designed to help Language Arts teachers use G Suite tools to motivate struggling writers and embed technology throughout the writing process. In fact, this session breaks down each phase of the writing process into action-oriented processes that can be enhanced with G Suite applications. Educators will have the opportunity to reflect on their own practice, share their ideas with others, and leave equipped with tangible ways to integrate G Suite into their writing curriculum.
Digital Notebooks: The Kind They Can’t Lose
– Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 • 3:30pm – 4:30pm • B140 (Emily Shillig, Tracee Keough)
Tired of lost and damaged student notebooks? Frustrated with the amount of time wasted on coloring, cutting and gluing? Digital Notebooks: The Kind They Can’t Lose is your solution! Engage your learners with interactive digital notebooks that streamline the process of learning. In this presentation, attendees will learn the necessary skills to implement digital notebooks in their classroom! We will focus on a variety of interactive pieces to help students get the most out of their learning with tasks like drag & drop, matching, labeling and much more! Teachers are encouraged to bring their own devices and work as they learn so they can apply the skills and have something to walk away with.
#OETCInFocus Session: Chrome Extensions for Diverse Learners
– Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 • 3:30pm – 4:30pm • A210 (Annamarie Rinehart)
It is very important that we are inclusive of all types It is very important that we are inclusive of all types of learners when we are thinking about our approach to classroom instruction. Not all students are the same type of learner, demonstrate understanding in the same way, or come to our classrooms with the same skill set. We are also seeing more and more schools that are using a 1:1 approach in their classrooms, where each student has access to some sort of device to enhance their learning. While this can be really exciting and beneficial to our students, it can also be overwhelming! This session will show you several Chromebook extensions that can enhance the learning experience of your diverse learners in your classroom. We will cover several resources including, but not limited to: -SpeakIt! -Purify -BeeLine Reader -Google Read&Write -Class Charts These are resources that will help increase accessibility, engagement, help eliminate distractions, and can assist in behavior management. The best part is that everything we cover will be FREE!
I’m Done: Now What? Tech Tools for Gifted Learners
– Thursday, February 13th, 2020 • 8:00am – 10:00am • B132 (Dakota Smith)
“I’m done: now what?” The question every teacher dreads. With so much emphasis on differentiation and accommodation, it can become difficult to make sure we reach all of our learners. Students who are struggling are more often given more attention, but students who excel deserve nourishing and challenging curriculum as well. Luckily, this tall order can be managed with a simple shift in thinking: different, not more. With practical, tangible lessons and examples, this session will challenge and encourage educators to rethink what they know about giftedness. Collaborators will discuss, plan, share, and teach with each other as we dive into how technology can be used to assist and stimulate gifted minds and realize that what is good for them can be good for ALL students.
#OETCInFocus Session: Go Green (Screen)!
– Thursday, February 13th, 2020 • 8:00am – 9:00am • A222 (Michael Roush)
Learn how easy implementing Chroma Key (aka “Green Screen”) video effects can be! Use your own device (iOS, Android, PC, Mac, or Chromebook) to capture live subjects and place them in front of any background. A green screen “stage” will be set up for you to try your configuration (as time permits). Transform your instruction by placing yourself anywhere! Ignite your students’ enthusiasm by transporting them to places they have only dreamed of going! Go Green (Screen)!
Ohio Ed Tech Playground: Raspberry Pi – The $35 Computer For All Ages
– Thursday, February 13th, 2020 • 10:00am – 12:00pm • Exhibit Hall – Booth#1307 (Michael Roush)
Presented with Ms. Jaime Chanter, Curriculum & Technology Teacher, Lakewood City Schools! So many apps and tools are available to get kids into coding even at young ages. Join us to explore some of these great tools for encouraging coding for learners of all ages. Try out some of the most popular hands-on, tech-free computer science activities from, PBS KIDS, Scratch Jr., and Common Sense Education.
What the Tech?: Choosing the correct digital resource(s) for class.
– Thursday, February 13th, 2020 • 10:30am – 11:30am • A214 (Lisa Kuhn)
Are you (or your teachers) overwhelmed by the variety of tech at your fingertips? Are you (or your teachers) wanting to integrate technology in a lesson, but not sure where to begin or even sure if technology is “useful” for your course? This session leads you through the lesson planning process with a tech spin. Bring your lesson idea and leave with an array of pertinent tech tools to help you and your students to achieve the learning goals you have set.
360º Learning Across the Curriculum
– Thursday, February 13th, 2020 • 1:00pm – 3:00pm • A113 (Tyler Erwin)
Virtual reality technologies are becoming an integral part of a well-rounded educational experience. This session explores free digital tools that allow teachers and students to consume, capture, and create virtual reality content in the classroom. Throughout this hands-on workshop, attendees will download, explore, and experience tools that support 360º learning like Google Cardboard Camera, Google Expeditions, Google Tour Creator, and more! By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped to embed VR content throughout their curriculum, create their very own VR lesson, and engage students in amazing ways!
Can’t make these sessions?
You can still network with our team and other district professionals from all over Ohio at our annual post-conference networking event on Tuesday, February 11th at 584 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 from 4-7:30pm.
Click Here to RSVP for the event that Educators look forward to year-round!
For more information on sessions you can attend at OETC 2020, the full conference schedule can be found here. We look forward to meeting all attendees and discussing your IT, Curriculum and K-12 needs and solutions! Contact Katie Ritter at or 513-761-3343 for more information on Forward Edge’s sessions!