Visit Forward Edge at High AIMS Summer Institute 2019 – Aug. 1st & 2nd!
Visit Forward Edge at High AIMS Summer Institute 2019 in Fairfield, Ohio –
August 1 & 2, 2019!
High AIMS is a collaboration of 30 public school districts in southwest Ohio, with the vision of “creating a network of leaders who inspire students and one another to be engaged, high performing learners.” This year, Fairfield City Schools will serve as host to 2,000+ educators for the 6th annual High AIMS Summer Institute – “Amplify Impact”, which brings together two nationally acclaimed keynote speakers, teachers and administrators, and 250 breakout sessions in a dynamic and inspiring professional learning engagement!
Our team is so excited to be heading to the High AIMS Summer Institute later this year and have five of our own highly qualified Technology Integration Specialists from the Curriculum and Technology Integration Team leading several sessions at this year’s conference – Katie Siemer, Ruowei Fischer, Tyler Ewin, Brooke Conklin, and Michael Roush.
Learn more about their sessions below. We can’t wait to see you there!
Inventiveness Across the Curriculum
– Thursday, August 1 • 11:15am – 12:00pm (Tyler Erwin, Michael Roush)
Allowing students to pursue their passions, in a way meaningful to them, is a process that should be supported in school. By giving students both time and practice to ideate, and designing lessons that unlock their inherent ability to make, create, and invent, we can empower them to apply the process of inventiveness both in and out of the classroom! This webinar will explore several helpful frameworks for supporting design thinking and “making” in the classroom and highlight a variety of digital tools that make it fun and easy.
Be the Marie Kondo in Your Classroom: Utilizing Google Sheets to Organize Your Day
– Thursday, August 1 • 11:15am – 12:45pm (Ruowei Fischer)
Tired of all the paperwork on your desk and the stress for all the reports you need to provide to your administrators and parents? Let’s organize it together! In this session, we will dive deep into a variety of Google Sheets functions accompanied by other Google G Suite products to better organize your day. Multiple tricks will be introduced as well as the most popular and powerful add-ons. Please share your daily struggles or your tips and tricks in the session. With the productivity skills you will be getting from this session, who is ready to be the next Marie Kondo in the classroom?
Teachers Just Wanna Have Choice: A new lens on Professional Learning
– Thursday, August 1 • 12:15pm – 1:00pm (Katie Ritter Siemer)
Traditional professional development models force teachers into stagnant one-size-fits-all packages or expensive post-graduate programs that may never impact instructional practice. Edge•U offers educators pertinent micro-credentials (badges) based on the effective implementation of high-impact strategies supported by engaging technology. Participants can earn a wide variety of badges that confirm their accomplishments in the classroom and even earn CEU’s or graduate credit along the way! Edge•U offers concise, just-in-time learning to support educators with the challenges they face every day in a rapidly changing world.
This session will discuss the impact Edge•U has had at current schools and provide a demo of the platform.
Black Mirror, Light Mirror – Lighten the Dark Side of Educational Technology
– Thursday, August 1 • 1:15pm – 2:00pm (Ruowei Fischer)
Based on the TV show Black Mirror, the instructor will raise up the dark side of technology and its impact in the classroom and open up a discussion in the session. Supported with real-life cases and scenarios, the instructor will stay neutral and encourage the audience to discuss solutions to lighten the dark side of technology to match the ISTE standards for students, teachers, and administrators.
Five Rules of Design Thinking to Reach All Students
– Thursday, August 1 • 1:15pm – 3:45pm (Michael Roush)
Drawing on historical examples of design thinkers and the unique problems they faced, this workshop celebrates the passion that motivates teachers, while challenging us to meet the needs of all students, including students with diverse needs, using a variety of methods without reducing academic expectations. This workshop integrates the use of technology to accomplish goals, fosters collaboration among participants, and results in participants thinking deeper about not only what they teach and when, but how they teach and why.
Be the Marie Kondo in Your Classroom: Utilizing Google Sheets to Organize Your Day
– Thursday, August 1 • 2:15am – 3:45pm (Ruowei Fischer)
Tired of all the paperwork on your desk and the stress for all the reports you need to provide to your administrators and parents? Let’s organize it together! In this session, we will dive deep into a variety of Google Sheets functions accompanied by other Google G Suite products to better organize your day. Multiple tricks will be introduced as well as the most popular and powerful add-ons. Please share your daily struggles or your tips and tricks in the session. With the productivity skills you will be getting from this session, who is ready to be the next Marie Kondo in the classroom?
Sign up to Join Our Team for an Admin Luncheon!
– Friday, August 2 • 11:45am – 1:00pm (Katie Ritter Siemer, William Cirone)
Join us for a luncheon as Forward Edge Director of Curriculum and Integration gives a brief 10-minute presentation on our online badging program, Edge•U Badges, which allows educators to earn contact hours and graduate credits on their own time while bringing the latest tools in technology directly into the classroom. Following the short presentation on Edge•U Badges, attendees will hear a 10-minute presentation on forward-thinking technology design for new schools or renovation projects. Learn more about our Managed Services offering from our CIO, and how we can help districts make sure technology is readily available and accessible, and project long term lifecycles of equipment to make sure your district’s budget is equipped to deliver on academic initiatives.
G Suite Tools Throughout the Writing Process
– Friday, August 2 • 1:15pm – 2:00pm (Tyler Erwin)
This session is designed to help Language Arts teachers use G Suite tools to motivate struggling writers and embed technology throughout the writing process. In fact, this session breaks down each phase of the writing process into action-oriented processes that can be enhanced with G Suite applications. Educators will have the opportunity to reflect on their own practice, share their ideas with others, and leave equipped with tangible ways to integrate G Suite into their writing curriculum.
Hacker Academy – Teacher Hacks for Deeper Student Learning
– Friday, August 2 • 2:15pm – 3:45pm (Brooke Conklin)
Help! My students are using technology to cheat on my assignments! With increased access to technology and a widespread student desire to “cut corners”, many of us are left with a lengthy list of websites and apps that we are begging our technology department to block. But what if we could harness the power of those “student hacks” for good? In this session, participants will explore the role of teachers in the modern classroom and examine how commonly used “student hacks” can be used to engage students in deeper learning. Participants will engage in hands-on game-based learning experiences that model the key elements of 21st century learning, explore how tools commonly used by students to avoid learning tasks can be redesigned to promote deeper student learning, and collaborate with each other to develop a bank of 21st century hack-proof lesson ideas.
The Reality of Virtual Reality in the Classroom
– Friday, August 2 • 2:15pm – 3:45pm (Tyler Erwin, Ruowei Fischer)
Virtual reality technologies are becoming an integral part of a well-rounded educational experience. This session explores free digital tools that allow teachers and students to consume, capture, and create virtual reality content in the classroom. Throughout this hands-on workshop, attendees will download, explore, and experience tools like Google Cardboard Camera, Google Expeditions, Google Tour Creator, and more! By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped to embed VR content throughout their curriculum, create their very own VR lesson, and engage students in amazing ways!
For more information on all the sessions, you can attend at High AIMS 2019, the full conference schedule can be found here and the High AIMS twitter can be found here. We look forward to meeting all attendees and discussing your IT, Curriculum and K-12 needs and solutions!
Contact Katie Siemer at or 513-761-3343 for more information on Forward Edge’s sessions.