ISTE 2019 Final Day Round-Up!

ISTE 2019 Final Day Round-Up!
Visit Forward Edge’s Technology Integration Staff at ISTE 2019 in Philadelphia, PA- Booth #136!


During the last few days, we’ve had the pleasure of presenting and facilitating various sessions, participating in engaged learning and skill building, and best yet – getting to know a plethora of wonderful ISTE 2019 attendees!

The dawn of the final conference day is upon us, and while our team is sad to see ISTE 2019 begin to draw to a close, we are far, far more excited to take what we’ve learned back home to Cincinnati, Ohio and put all that new found knowledge to good use!

The annual ISTE Conference & Expo is globally hailed as the most comprehensive educational technology conference in the world; Educators and education leaders have congregated at the ISTE conference for over thirty years in order to exchange ideas, network with other innovators, and engage in high-impact, hands-on learning. 

This event attracts over 16,000 attendees regularly, which include all range of teachers, technology coordinators, library media specialists, policymakers, and other industry representatives. 

Our team is so excited to be at the ISTE 2019 and to have had the opportunity for our own Technology Integration Specialists from the Curriculum and Technology Integration team presenting – Katie Ritter Siemer, Tyler Erwin, and Michael Roush!

While ISTE 2019 might be coming to a close, you can still swing on by Booth #136, where you can meet part of the Forward Edge team and learn about #EdgeU, our online badging program for educators!

In the meantime, here are some highlights from our official twitter and the ISTE official twitter

We look forward to meeting all the attendees and discussing your IT, Curriculum and K-12 needs and solutions! Contact Katie Siemer at or 513-761-3343 for more information!