Visit Forward Edge at OETC 2018 in Columbus, February 13-15th!

The Ohio Educational Technology Conference is one of the largest state educational technology conferences for the P-20 range in the nation. OETC provides educators and technology coordinators from all over Ohio the opportunity to network and discuss current and future educational technologies through workshops, breakout sessions, speakers and a vendor show.

We’re so excited to be heading back to OETC again this year and we are excited to have two of our own from the Curriculum and Technology Integration team leading sessions at this year’s conference- Katie Siemer and Michael Roush. Learn more about their sessions below. We can’t wait to see you there!


Five Rules of Design Thinking to Reach All StudentsTuesday, February 13, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in A210-212 (Michael Roush)

Participants will examine historical examples of Design Thinking (such as Banksy, Leonardo da Vinci, Coco Chanel, and I K Brunel) and creative use of technology to put forth new-to-the-world ideas. This workshop celebrates the passion that motivates teachers, while challenging us to meet the needs of all students, including students with diverse needs, using a variety of methods without reducing academic expectations. This workshop integrates the use of technology to accomplish goals, fosters collaboration among participants, and results in participants thinking deeper about not only what they teach and when, but how they teach and why. The content and activities in this workshop are based on principles of Universal Design for Learning.


FREd TalksWednesday, February 14, 12:15 – 1:30 p.m. in Union Station Ballroom (Michael Roush)

What happens when nine of Ohio’s most innovative educators are given five minutes each to share one big idea? You get an audience who is inspired with nine tangible ways they can improve their practices immediately. Join us for this fast-paced session where your thinking is guaranteed to be challenged. Speakers Include Michael Roush, Jon Smith, Ryan Collins, Eric Curts, Marcia Kish, Chavaughn Gibson, Char Shryock, Matt Lanzoff, and Christina Cross.


Free Tools to Support the Five-Step Writing Process for AllThursday, February 15, 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. in A210-212  (Michael Roush)

This workshop will introduce the Five Step Writing Process (Pre-write, Write, Edit, Revise, Publish), and explain how it can positively impact achievement and engagement for all students, across all content areas. Plenty of quality, free tech tools will be demonstrated that allow teachers to implement the Five Step Writing Process for all students, including students with diverse needs. Time will be devoted to planning for implementing the Five Step Writing Process in the curriculum, and supporting students in becoming accomplished, confident writers.


ISTE Edtech Coaches PLN Local MeetupThursday, February 15, 12:05 -12:50p in A114-115 (Katie Siemer)

This is a local membership meeting of the ISTE EdTech Coaches Network. We welcome Ed Tech Coaches of all experience levels to join us as we gather to form connections and share ideas that will benefit you, your colleagues, and your students throughout the entire year.The purpose of this session is to provide an opportunity for those who serve as EdTech Coaches to gather together for collaboration, mentorship and professional development. As the role of a coach changes from school district to school district, many different models for the position exist. Additionally, the amount of support available for those in this role varies greatly. Coming together allows the members of ISTE’s EdTech Coaches PLN to share strategies, tools and lessons learned. This sharing empowers them with new skills and perspectives as they return to their individual situations equipped to carry out their mission as it relates to strategic and powerful uses of technology in the classroom. The objectives for this session are threefold:-Provide an opportunity for coaches to collaborate and problem solveShare new and innovative uses of technology-Encourage new and renewed connections between EdTech Coaches through the communication channels hosted by the ISTE EdTech Coaches PLN.

For more information on sessions you can attend at OETC, the full conference schedule can be found here. We look forward to meeting all attendees and discussing your IT, Curriculum and K-12 needs and solutions! Contact Katie Siemer at or 513-761-3343 for more information on Forward Edge’s sessions.